Nature’s growth factor
- DE-sign of nature: natural diatomaceous earth
- Improves mineral uptake and hence flavour
- More viable pollen & better flower/fruit set
- Plants grow stronger stems and leaves
- Improved yield-more efficient use of fertiliser
- Stimulates plant self-defence against fungal & insect attack
- Simply Grow holds & releases water as needed
- Suitable for all ORGANIC composts, soils & growing media
- Proven results from seed to harvest
Simply Grow consists of 100% Diature™ dried, milled diatomite rock, being the silica rich remains of diatoms. These single-celled plants exist in all the waters of the earth, both salt and fresh. Diatoms form shells by recycling dissolved silica from water, which accumulates on the floor of the body of water where they lived and forms thick layers of diatomite rock, some over 20 million years old. Their intricate perforated design woven by mother nature and their silica content, are excellent properties for promoting plant growth.
Simply Grow is not a fertiliser but naturally enables soils and fertilisers to work more efficiently.
Instructions for use
- For planting seeds: Mix seeds with a little Simply Grow so they are well coated just before planting.
- For compost e,g, seed germination, seedlings pots & hanging baskets: Add 100g Simply Grow per 100 litre bag of compost. Mix well, plant as usual, and water in.
- Greenhouse crops: excellent for cucumbers & tomatoes. Growing season extended, with well flavoured strong fruits-50g Simply Grow per grow bag or 100g per square metre worked into top 3 inches of prepared soil.
- For garden vegetables: Sprinkle 100g Simply Grow per square metre and work in to top 3 inches of prepared soil. The soil may also benefit from adding lime, basic slag, manure or other preferred fertiliser, depending on the crop.
Simply Grow can be added at a greater rate where wireworm or other damaging nematodes may be a problem e.g. carrots, potatoes.
- For fruit trees and bushes: Sprinkle 100 g Simply Grow along with 100g garden lime around the base of trees and bushes and work in. Improves fruit set, yield & flavour. Especially good results for stoned fruits and vines.
- For roses and other flowering shrubs: Sprinkle 50g Simply Grow around the base of each plant every six months.
N.B. After winter gritting of paths and roads-Simply Grow helps the plant cope with effects of too much salt. Sprinkle on soil near verges where winter salt may have accumulated.
- For larger crop growing areas: Apply along with seeds, lime, slag or compound fertiliser spreading @ 18kg per acre. Can be mixed into spreader.
- For sports fields: Apply along with top dressing sand, lime, slag or fertiliser @ 18kg per acre. Can be applied under new turf mixed into the soil . A coarser grade may also be applied in this case to aid water holding and aeration capacity.
Active ingredients
- Silicon dioxide 91% (from diatomaceous earth)
- other oxides 9% (from diatomaceous earth)
- TOTAL 100% Diature™
Organic certification
- QWFC ( GB-ORG-13) and OF&G